OR LIMITED EDITION PRINTS OPTIONS FOR PRINTS AND LIMITED EDITION PRINTS LINKED UNDER IMAGES *prices shown includes shipping in lower 48 states, international extra **if purchased in person in Key West, add 7.5% sales tax |
If you are interested in one of the "Guest Artists" in TooKEY's Gallery in Key West, PLEASE click here to contact Jessica.
ReturnWhen I first launched my art career in 2015, I painted my first triptych. A part of my Journey exhibition, in “Face Your Obstacles” a young girl looks across a flooded plain at a tire swing on a gnarly old tree. I revisited this painting that same year in a very red triptych titled “Desolation.” It was this one I was looking at one night while getting ready for bed that said I must paint it again, but this time with the colors of the Keys. The word “Return” popped in my head over and over as I looked at the woman in this painting.
33"x14" Acrylic Painting (Three 11"x14" canvases), 2024 - SOLD
Prints coming soon, contact Jessica if interested Key West SunriseIn 2018, when life became difficult for me, I began waking up, without an alarm, to watch the sunrise. I have never been a morning person (it’s still not my thing) so I knew this was a message that I had to receive. The message that each day is a new day, and each day is different than the day before. No matter how dark it gets, the sun will always rise.
FocusNo matter how dark it gets, there is always light. One cannot exist without the other. The roller coaster ride of life is extreme. Navigating the darkness is not an easy task. But it is possible. Pick something to hold on to. Quiet the negative voices in your head and come back to what is real. What can you see, what can you touch, what can you taste, what can you smell, what can you hear? Focus on things you can enjoy with your senses. Focus on your breath.
In The DeepThis was created with no image in mind, the painting formed itself while I worked in my studio in Key West. Perhaps it is what the spirits of the many sailors lost in the shipwrecks here in the Keys wanted me to share. Perhaps there is more to be found in the deep.
The AftermathBeyond what we are experiencing, beyond what we know or even what we can imagine, there is more. The way has been left open for you if you will only open yourself to the possibilities of the amazing things that await you in the aftermath. This is the 16th image created in my "Oneness" series.
ChangeThe second in my Oneness series, this painting went through many changes before finally finding its completion. When I started it, my love and I were in the middle of our full time RV life adventures. It took nearly three years before I was finally prepared to sign it. During that time, our life went through many changes. It wasn’t until we were in a house in Key West that it finally felt finished. Perhaps I couldn’t complete it until the next phase of my life began… Who knows?
CosmicThe dragonfly symbolizes transformation and adaptability. It is believed that the dragonfly can remind us to shed old versions of ourselves to make room for the new one. Fitting that I began painting them in my Oneness series when my life was in a major state of transition. May it remind all to live completely in the moment, that everything is connected and we all are One. This is the 14th artwork in the Oneness Series.
OpheliaI have nearly drowned three times in my life, all three in my childhood but there was always someone (or something) that came to my aid. I know, that if we listen during our times of greatest need, there is something there to lift us and carry us back to the light. All you have to do is open yourself up to the beauty that surrounds us.
New HopeI cannot imagine beginning life in the way the sea turtle does. To have to bite and claw your way out of the darkness only to race to the water with the hope to escape predators. Then, living the first years of life floating in seaweed, hoping to grow and eventually return to where they were born to begin the next generation. Each hatch truly is a new hope.
Mallory SunsetMany come to Mallory Square to see the sunset celebration. I remember my first trip to Key West, the performers, the gorgeous sunset, all of it seemed quite magical. This is a quick painting created from a photograph that I took of one of the sunsets at Mallory Square.
PeaceOne of the many things I love about Key West is going out on a boat and watching the sun set. This painting was created from one of those evenings. The way the light played on the water created a sense of peace and connection that I was needing in that moment. I'm lucky because my love works the boats, so I can go anytime. If you visit Key West, go out on a boat one night and watch the sun set. You won’t regret it.
Depth of HopeI have always loved the play of light on water but it wasn't until I snorkeled in Key West that I truly fell in love with the way that light moves UNDER the water. While I have yet to watch the sun set, or rise, from under water, I can only imagine how beautiful it must be. I hope that one day I will get to experience it.
LaochraGaelic for “Warrior,” it was suggested by one of my collectors that this painting be named Laochra. She said that the baby sea turtles always remind her of this word because they must battle their way through the first hours of life. I have not gotten to see a turtle hatch yet, but one day, I hope I will see these tiny warriors in action.
Magic of MusicThis was created as I painted next to the stage at a concert by RootFlute. I was completely lost in the sounds that were created by Daniel Hansen, a musician who plays flutes that he made out of antlers. You can find him at I thought that I would add more to this painting after the experience, it has traveled with me across the U.S, packed away in my studio in my toy hauler until I pulled it out of it's storage space recently and thought "whoa, the energy here is magical... I'm not doing anything else but signing it." So, the painting is finished (original paintings colors are a bit different than this image).
Enso 1 - RoosterThe first official painting of my Ensō series. I have always had an affinity for Japanese culture. I began using terms from the Japanese language in my art back in 2016 with my wabi sabi series. Recently, I realized that I had been painting an ensō in the gesso of my paintings. The ensō is somewhat lost under the painting and the rest of the texture, however, it is the foundation of each of the paintings in this series. The ensō may not be perfectly visible anymore but it is always there. It is the essence of the painting... the connectedness of life.
Enso 2 - TurtleThe second of my Ensō series. Swimming above a turtle as I snorkeled the Looe Reef is an experience I will never forget. I have always loved the grace and power of a giant tortoise.
11"x14" Acrylic Painting, 2022 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Enso 3 - SailfishThe third painting of my Ensō series. I have never seen a sailfish but I felt compelled to paint one from a photo I found online.
OneThe first of the Oneness Series. Women and trees, connected and combined with whatever else decides to come through the painting. The female figure in this painting is inspired by a figure seen in a Salvador Dali painting. Dali's work has always intrigued me.
Don't Hide, SHINE!In 2018, I had an automobile exhibit scheduled. But, before I had completed a single painting, my life turned upside-down (although now I know it was turning right side up). This showed me, once again, that life is not full of clean things. I didn’t want to paint straight lines and clean edges. I realized that it was time to shine the light on mental health even more than I already had. It’s time to shine.
GrowOne of the "What's Under the Hood" pieces that shocked viewers when they lifted the hood. It was interesting to watch people either cringe from seeing their reflection or smile and participate in the growth of the message.
16"x12" Photo on Metal Hood, Acrylic Painting and Mirror, 2018 -SOLD
Prints Available of exterior without handle - contact Jessica to purchase Torn 2Each of the paintings in the "What's Under the Hood" series had messages hidden within. This one telling the viewer they are not helpless or hopeless.
Hold OnSometimes, all we can do is Hold On. Just keep going my friend. Tomorrow is another day.
16"x12" Photo on Metal Hood, Acrylic Painting, 2018
$850 Prints Available - contact Jessica to purchase Be StillI absolutely love the stillness of winter. It reminds me to slow down and take the time to just BE. I created this painting to show that even the most active things – such as water – can take the time to be still. May it remind each of us to take time to enjoy the stillness of a moment and listen to the quiet.
Let it GoCan you find all the messages hidden with in painting? The "What's Under the Hood" images had viewers searching within as well as on the canvas. What can you let go of to allow yourself more emotional and mental freedom?
16"x12" Photo on Metal Hood, Acrylic Painting and Mirror, 2018
$850 Prints Available of exterior without handle - contact Jessica to purchase JumpOn a volunteer trip to Bali, we took a weekend retreat to this island called Gili Air. I was in my red phase and there was this little girl. Jumping puddle to puddle. In a red dress. I knew she had to become a painting when I returned. It was an adventure to get to this secluded paradise and then we were nearly stranded there...but that is a long story. Ask me if you'd like to hear it.
DreamRemember when you were little, did you think you could do ANYTHING? Did you dream of being an astronaut, or a princess, or an artist? When did society started putting limitations into your mind? My friends, it is time to dream again. It is time to see the infinite potential that you hold within. It is time to stop looking at the things you cannot do and turn those dreams into realities. If it is of love and light - you are meant to bring that thing to this planet. Go BE YOU!
The JourneyIt is in our youth that we discover WHO we are. On our journey through childhood and through our education we are pushed to find something that can help us "make a living" which often results in getting jobs that we hate. If you do the things that make you happy, you will truly LIVE instead of just exist as you journey through this lifetime.
DesolationOne of the first paintings that I didn't use a reference photo and just let it flow. It reminded me that no matter how desolate, there is still beauty to be seen.
Three 16"x20" canvases -Acrylic Painting, 2015
$1300 Prints Available as one piece or separate Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3 God's CountryA quick painting. In the quiet of nature, I can hear Him speak. My soul is comforted in these moments. Remember to be still and listen.
Storm CloudsA quick painting. Sometimes, there is so much beauty in the sky, nothing else needs to be added. This was one of those times. I absolutely love storm clouds, especially at sunrise or sunset.
14"X11" Acrylic Painting, 2016
$400 LostA quick painting. Watching a loved one get lost in the shadows of their mind - living in a world of black and white - while the world continues in full color, is a difficult experience. The human mind is so complex. We must remember to enjoy each moment we have with those we love. We can never know what tomorrow brings.
Those EyesA quick painting. I was asked why I always painted the eyes last, so on this one they were the first thing I painted. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. "If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be." ~Lauren Jauregu
RenewedOften we get smothered by the pressures and expectations of the world, of our family, of our careers. We lose ourselves. Through pursuing your dreams, you can be reborn. It's time to unbecome all the things you are not. It's time to shine your light and restore yourself to who you were created to be.
After The StormA quick painting. Far too often, we are surrounded by storms that wage war against our mental health. This painting came about during one of those storms. After she was released, I too felt a release.
WisdomA quick painting. "Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years." ~Ausonius
Water Off A Duck's BackAs humans, we take things to heart. There are so many battles that we fight, that really don't need to be fought at all. We need to be like the feathers of at duck, letting the water just flow off instead of absorbing everything. It's time to only carry what is yours to carry and let all else flow from you like water off a duck's back.
7"x5" Colored Pencil Drawing, 2013 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase |
TimelessThe ocean reminds us that nothing is permanent. The waves will be in perpetual change as tides shift and winds blow. Their timeless beauty captivates me. Let it be a reminder that although you may go through difficult times where the waves feel like they are crashing down on you, it is only a matter of time before something different (and hopefully better) comes along. Just keep holding on.
SmileOriginally started in 2021 when I participated in the Old Island Days Festival here in Key West, this little guy sat unfinished until recently. He was going to be a part of my “Enso” series but was not completed that year. And now that I have an Enso in most of my paintings, I think the original three will remain the only three in that series. This little guy makes me smile. I hope he will do the same for you.
Watch Your FingersWhen I first joined the space that is now "TooKEY's Gallery" I forgot to bring my paintbrushes on the day where most of this painting was completed. So, I didn't want to waste my day and ended up fingerpainting the majority of this painting. Finishing final touches the following day with my paintbrushes.
Calm Beneath the ChaosThis painting evolved over time, originally impossible to tell the sky from the sea. Then, it showed itself to me ... to a point ... but I knew there was more that needed to be in it. Then, one night, I had the vision of the ship on the stormy seas. What I didn't know, until the next morning, was that my husband (who was sailing a boat in a storm in the Gulf) was frantically trying to keep his ship from sinking on the same night I painted in the ship. Life is funny how it all connects.
SirenJust going with the flow of a painting, this emerged. Things kept appearing as I worked and before I was finished, people asked if there were mermaids or sirens hidden in the waves. The woman who purchased the painting (before I was even finished with it) named it Siren. This island carries a lot of energy. It consumed me as I created this. I definitely heard the Siren song.
Stormy DazeWhile riding a mule through Bryce Canyon in Utah we saw all the twisted gnarly trees. We asked our guide why they were twisted. He said they were struck by lighting and all the moisture twists out of the tree. This painting became a beer label for Mother Earth Brewing in Idaho and California in 2019.
18"x24" Acrylic Painting, 2020
$1600 (if you want to get my last can of beer with it, it's $2000) Prints Available - contact Jessica to purchase BlessingsI received an opportunity to go on a volunteer trip, with my beautiful daughter, to Bali in August of 2015. This beautiful woman was on the street, every day, to bless us. Almost all the others that we met wanted something from us, or wanted us to buy something. She was there giving love. Everyone in the village called her Grandmother. I hope that Grandmother will bless your day as she did mine.
36"x36" Acrylic and Pastel Painting, 2015
$16,000 (Only someone who loves her as much as I do can get the original) Prints Available Never AloneOnce getting smashed emotionally, I had to figure out how to keep going even though I felt so alone, even in a crowded room. I felt as if it didn’t matter if I was around. This painting is a reminder to anyone that you are never EVER alone. God, Source, The Universe, whatever you want to call it, is ALWAYS with you. We are all connected and it is only in this connection that you can find your true power.
16"x12" Photo on Metal Hood, Acrylic Painting, 2018 - NFS
Prints of exterior without handle Available - contact Jessica to purchase ReleaseWhen everything in my life changed, I had to release the image that I thought my life would be. Once I did, the beauty of what it would be became clear. This painting was part of my release.
24"x36" Acrylic Painting, 2018
$2200 Prints Available - more sizes coming soon ReflectTaking the time to reflect on where you are in this moment will help you to get to where you want to be. The most important question of all is "What makes you YOU?"
16"x12" Photo on Metal Hood, Acrylic Painting and Mirror, 2018
$850 Prints of the exterior without handle Available - contact Jessica to purchase Are You AliveWhen I thought my world had fallen apart, it merely was ripped open so that I could see I hadn't been living for many MANY years. Sometimes, things - and people - must fall away so that there is room for something better.
YearningA painting from my mind - a test for myself to see if I could create something without reference pictures. I asked my audience what it should be called and several felt a "yearning" when looking at it. So the name stuck.
A Desert WinterAs I travel through this world of constant distractions, I have learned to notice beauty in abnormal places and document that beauty in my art. This painting was inspired by a journey to Nevada. I hope it brings you peace.
FeelThere are so many images that fill my mind, this is one that needed to be released. Far too often we hide, or smother our feelings and create an energetic block in our lives. It is time to let the feelings flow. It is time to BE. Imagine swinging in a rainstorm. Wouldn’t it be invigorating? How does this painting make you feel?
SolitudeI always loved to sled as a child. I spent a lot of time alone on our farm, wandering about because my siblings often wanted to harass me. I know that these quiet times allowed me to connect fully with nature. I love the stillness of the snow.
Three 16"x20" canvases -Acrylic Painting, 2015 - framed
$1800 Prints Available as one piece or separate Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3 KaitA drawing of my daughter done to test my foreshortening skills (and because she's beautiful). The wild thing is, I drew this when she was about 7 and this is what she looked like when she graduated high school.
Simultaneous AmbidextrousA test of my skills of painting with both hands at the same time. My left hand was a bit rough on the brushes but I love the action in that image. I allowed my hands to grab whatever colors came to mind and painted the two separate canvases with two separate palettes at the SAME TIME. It was early in my discovery of this skill. It gave me a headache if I worked too long on it.
Two 16"x20" Acrylic Paintings, 2016 - PAINTED AT THE SAME TIME
$1600 Prints Available Soon - contact Jessica if interested Bather 1Painted as an exercise in the human figure and watercolor.
Bather 2Painted as an exercise in the human figure and watercolor.
Bather 3Painted as an exercise in the human figure and watercolor.
BelieveI painted this while in Bryce Canyon Utah. I had the urge to paint while we were there and "luckily", my love had an injury (his toe was kicked by his brother's mule) which kept us from adventuring as much as we wanted. So I had time to paint.
CrashWhen asked to create this painting, my client said...can you paint from an idea or do you need a picture? She said, I'd like light blues, dark blues, a wave...maybe sky, maybe not...maybe sand, maybe not. Can you work with that? I said, "YES!" She was very pleased with this painting that I created for her.
48"x48" Acrylic Painting, 2016 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Change Your PerspectiveWe know what waterlilies look like from above the water. Rarely do we consider what things look like from a different perspective. Change your perspective, it just might change your life. Based off photo by John Logan, Bali.
24"x24" Acrylic Painting, 2017 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase PersistenceLife is very much like water, fluid, constantly changing, shifting and moving through obstacles. Even the hardest obstacle cannot withstand the persistence of water
24"x18" Acrylic Painting, 2017 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica for Options MinutiaeThis acrylic painting was created for a client who heard "The Lesson of the Butterfly" by Paulo Coelho. Basically, we must go through the struggles to emerge strong enough to fly.
26"x24" Acrylic Painting, 2022 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica for Options The View WithinCommissioned after Minutiae by the same client, of the view from within the cocoon.
26"x24" Acrylic Painting, 2022 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Kyle's RideCreated for a client who wanted a dirt bike for her son, Kyle. I contacted the designer who created the graphics for his bike and added it to a photo I found to make the bike his.
60"x48" Acrylic Painting, 2016 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica for Options Kate's SurfPainted for a client who wanted surf boards for her daughter's room.
CalgaryThe client approached me with the idea of a warm stormy scene of Calgary. He was pleased with the final result.
20"x16" Acrylic Painting, 2015 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase DefyWater is one thing on this earth that defies all odds. It is flexible, yet can break the hardest obstacle and the laws of gravity – even if only briefly. It defies our laws.
24"x48" Acrylic Painting, 2017 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica for Options Face Your ObstaclesThis painting is part of my Journey series. Have you ever been frozen by an obstacle that stands before you? Far too many times, we stop because something gets in between us and our goals. Is it patience that you need to get to the destination...or do you need to change course. Look closely because it is time to face your obstacles and find a way to get to the joy on the other side.
54"x36" Acrylic Painting, 2015 - SOLD
Prints Available as one piece or separate Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3 Haunted“Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters." ~Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It
48"x36" Acrylic Painting, 2017 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Be FreeI have always loved the rumble of a big engine, the shine of chrome, and the artistic lines of an automobile. Classic cars and motorcycles are just a few my favorite things. What is your favorite thing?
Aspen MeadowOne of my first oil paintings and the very first time I painted birch trees... also known as Aspens. I have always loved these trees because of their uniqueness and their scars. So much beauty in those scars.
A Mother's LoveA client asked me to paint a bear in a field of forget-me-nots for her daughter who she called her "little bear." She was thrilled with the final image.
TranquilityIn the need to find peace, I often return to the water. This leaf, quietly floating on the pond created a sense of tranquility for me. I hope it will for you as well.
24"x18" Acrylic Painting,, 2017 - SOLD
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase C&W FallsCreated from my imagination for some special people in my life, Aunt Chris and Uncle Willy as a thank you for their hospitality.
Three 8"x10" Canvases Acrylic Painting, 2016 - Original NFS
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Ray's MeadowCreated from my imagination as a Christmas gift.
Three 8"x10" Canvases Acrylic Painting, 2016 - Original NFS
Limited Edition Prints Available - Contact Jessica to Purchase Dream Come TrueI saw this in a dream hanging in a beautiful foyer. As I painted it, my eyes filled with tears as the image formed on the canvas.
The AwakeningAs the sun slowly disappeared from view, the crickets sang and the nighttime creatures stirred. Moments later, in a nearby pasture, a young lamb began to cry as the sun peeked from behind the moon. The rooster mounted the fence, announcing the dawn of a new day…the beginning of a new challenge…the opportunity for change.