The List
The families of these people are waiting for their loved one to be drawn. Make a donation to provide a portrait.
The Lost
$200 raised for Anthonie Gary Gallegos Oct. 17, 1986 - Feb. 29, 2008 $0 raised for Jason - lost March 30, 2012 $0 raised for Kathryn "Katie" Shelp Apr. 1, 1994 - Mar. 16, 2016 $0 raised for Kevin Scott Howen $0 raised for Kaitlin Brooke "Brookie" - age 22 Veterans $0 raised for Michael Hanrahan (National Guard) 1966 - July 25, 2009 Warriors I am looking for people who are still here, still fighting, who would like to share their story. Complete this form and follow the instructions at the bottom of it. |
How it works, the family sends photos and their loved one's name. Once donations are raised, the portrait is drawn, copied and (as soon as possible) the original is delivered home to the family.
If you would like to donate for a specific name, please add it in the notes of your donation or message Jessica directly with the amount you donated and who you would like it contributed to. If you would like to add your loved one to the list, please complete this form and follow the instructions at the bottom of it. |