Self ... the greatest torture and treasure wrapped in one.
I won't go live every night... I thought about it tonight but felt a post was better as I figure out the best way to share "downloads." For those unfamiliar with spiritual practices - a download is something received from our higher self, God, Source, the Universe, Gaia, Spirit, The Divine, the ethereal, what ever you call the energy of all that is... that something outside of the form being used to write this. That said... here's what I'm meant to share today... Definition of self can destroy. Or it can help you grow. Your form... the body you are in... your job, your status, your problems, none of it is not WHO you are. "In the seeing of who you are not, the reality of who you are emerges." ~Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth After recently watching the film "Becoming Nobody" - a documentary on the core of Ram Dass' teachings, the sense of self has been on my heart more often lately. How can we truly love ourselves when we are so busy defining ourselves by something that doesn't ring true. I asked the Universe to provide the words needed to help people get through the loss of self. This has been a strong "happening" beginning in 2015 and coming to a climax in 2020. Those who had the greatest struggles, found clarity early... others took several years... more are still fighting the ego who wants to remain tied to the human labels and stay "comfortable" in the societal cages it has spent a lifetime building. Our ego will provide us with fear, resistance, anger, and anxiety any time we feel it is time for a change. And it is easy to just stay in what is familiar and allow ego to continue to keep us confined, sheltered, smothered. Whenever you feel inferior or superior to someone - that is the ego talking. The ego does not want an end to its problems because it is its identity. When we define ourselves according to someone else's ideas and expectations, we will be full of all that ego provides plus depression, suicidality, and a sense of longing for a greater existence that fills us with despair because in ego, we can never have the life we dream of. It is through loss of self that you will find peace. Loss of self also means acceptance of self but... that's a piece of healing for another post. I loved this quote from Ram Dass, "When I was born I donned a spacesuit for living on this plane, it was this body, my space suit, and it had a steering mechanism which is my pre-frontal lobe and all the brain that helps with coordinating and stuff. Just like those others who go to the moon and learn to use their space suit...I too had to learn how to grab things and lift things. And then you get rewarded with little stars, kisses and all kinds of things when you learn how to use your space suit. You get so good at it that you can't differentiate yourself from your spacesuit. [...] You walk down the street and you’re somebody; you dress like somebody; your face looks like somebody. Everybody is reinforcing their structure of the universe over and over again and you meet [each other] like two huge things meeting. We enter into these conspiracies. You say, I’ll make believe you are who you think you are if you make believe I am who I think I am.” It's time to release this. It is time to get to your core. That will not happen until you realize that you are a being of love and light, connected to all that is. THAT is who we are. Each and every one of us. And you are perfect. Exactly made for the purpose of your existence. Trust and know that this is true. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Have a beautiful night, morning, or day - who knows when this will be in front of you. All I know is it will be at exactly the right time. Much love and light to you all! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Today we went snorkeling at Looe Key. Almost a year since our last Key West snorkeling adventure. Last year, I did not enjoy the experience. The waves were too big - and I am not yet a confident swimmer. So I was swallowing a lot of saltwater. This year was a different story. The water was calm. The fish were abundant. It was an amazing experience that I'll go into more detail about soon. For now, I must rest.
0 Comments 488. Today we visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Arriving inside at 12:12 - numbers peeps, you'll see why this is Divine.
The first thing we did was stop for lunch at the Cafe, it was delicious. As I was sitting at the table waiting for Jordan and Bernie Murray to return, the lake caught a breeze in such a unique way... as if someone was crossing it toward me. As I watched it reach the shore, it faded away, but then that breeze reached me. Immediately filling me with chills, and a sense of peace. A very strong feeling to trust all will be well. All will be taken care of. It also filled me with a sense of immense power. The power we all have access to if we will release our humanness and accept that we are a part of All That Is. We wandered around, reaching the Bamboo forest. A soon as we crossed through, the wind picked up again. This video is that experience. May you feel the peace that this beautiful place brought us. Some of you may have noticed that I've started posting more about energy and what is happening in that area. It's because I'm finally listening again and stepping into the gifts that I have been given. I will not let fear of other's opinions keep me from sharing the messages that arise. You CAN find peace amidst chaos. But you won't find it while pointing at other's and saying they are doing wrong. Release judgement. Their actions are fulfilling a purpose that was set in place long before we arrived. It isn't good, it isn't bad, it just is. If you're feeling out of sorts, take time to connect with nature. If you can stand barefoot in the grass, sand, or dirt... do it. If that isn't an option for you snowy weather people... find a big old tree and sit with it for a little while. Hug it if you feel the urge. 😁 Say hello and sit in commune with it. Then be still. Listen. Feel the power and LOVE of this earth. Allow it to fill you completely. Then, you'll realize, all is well. It's been a bit since I updated this blog. We're on day 484 of our nomad life.
\nLast night, laying in bed we watched "Into the Wild." I had never seen it. Oh my, how I loved it! To be that unrestricted would be a dream... but, I know I wouldn't enjoy sleeping in the dirt every night. 😁 \nChristopher McCandless states how both Jordan and I feel throughout the movie. A main theme, "The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences" takes him on many adventures and inspires others along his path. \nWe've been stationary for almost three weeks... a little over one more week before we move again. Down to the Keys. A nice slow pace, and the best Key Lime Pie is on our agenda. \nWe've enjoyed riding our bikes to the beach. We've spent time with Jordan's dad and little brother. We've watched a lot of football. \nI think the hustle and bustle of Floridians here might be a bit much though. Everyone seems to be in a hurry. There was a horrible accident on top of the draw bridge heading to the beach. Vans full of people were sitting, waiting for emergency responders to arrive. The left turn lane was backed up and some guy in an suv decided that blaring their horn to get the car in front of him to move - while near the accident and hurting people - was a good idea. \nWe don't understand it. \nThe total disregard for others... the complete selfishness. \nIt just isn't how our brains work. \nI believe in spreading love and light wherever we go. Regardless of how someone is behaving, I try not to let it affect me. Sometimes it does. But I try to be kind. \nEveryone has a battle they're fighting. \nYou never know if your words will be the final push, or the saving grace. Choose to be the saving grace. \nI ran over a screw, so today I get to deal with that. Perhaps I'll meet some new clients. Perhaps we'll make some friends. Who knows. \nWhat I do know is that although this is an unexpected change in our plans, I will do my best to make the best of it. \nTo be honest, it'll be a trial for me. I haven't been in the best of spirits. I think that I allowed too much of the negative energy around this area to seep in. People are just plain rude... I don't get it. Working on clearing and loving all... regardless of their behavior. But, some people make it difficult, don't they. \nI'll just keep this view in mind. Sunlight glistening on the water in the Keys. Then I'll be calm, peaceful, unmovable by the chaos of the world. Nomad day 465
We made our way to the ocean again. GPS took us on a tiny road... again. The ways it takes us are sometimes very interesting. It'll take us one direction to get to a place, then another to return home. We never know why. Sometimes it really stresses me out. For example, when it tells us to go south when I know our location is north. That one happened most recently after leaving the Dali museum in St Petersburg. We place our trust in the GPS ... an unseen guide ... and usually it gets us to our location - just not always by the route we thought we should take. Like life. When I first set off on this adventure, I had only the company of my cats and my GPS. I didn't know where I would go, what I would do, sometimes until hours before I'd decide where I'd stay. Usually, I'd stop for a break, see how far I'd be in a certain amount of hours, then look for a place to stop around that point. I found many interesting locations. Now, we plan our locations ahead (it is necessary in the winter in Florida if you hope for a place to park) but it is always based off of something we wish to see in the area. I had no cognitive idea that this would be my life. Traveling from place to place as a nomad. I truly had no idea how many wonderful places there are in the United States. I just made the decision to live, and my life became a wonderful adventure. This was my second visit to the Dali Museum (my first was with my brother and his family in May, 2019). This time, there was no virtual reality where you go into one of Dali's paintings but, the Van Gogh Alive exhibit was there. I have felt a special kinship to Van Gogh all of my life (I even became a Dr. Who fan because of the episode about Van Gogh). I was in tears multiple times as his paintings and words surrounded us. His words hit home. Completely to my core. His anguish was once my anguish. His love of nature, mine. His love of color, mine. His desire to live a life of passion, mine. I am so grateful that my ex made the decisions he did so that I could find my truth, find my freedom, find my passion, and find life. Thank you. I was not living until I left him. Sure, there were a few blips of adventure in my life up to that point but, for the most part... I merely existed. Many who love me hate what I had to go through ... but l say, it had to happen so I would wake up and see how miserable my life was. Simply because I made a "safe" choice as a young single mother. My plea for you, don't choose a partner because they seem like the safest option in your life. The way people behave during courtship is not the same they'll behave for all time. Make sure that there is a mutual love and respect. Otherwise, in a matter of years, one of you will begin to feel trapped as the other controls everything... and you will be miserable. I wouldn't take back my choice because I had to grow and heal in order to be strong and brave enough to set out on my own. I just caution others about making that decision. I had far too many years where I felt like I didn't matter. My words didn't matter. My thoughts didn't matter. My life didn't matter. I don't wish that on anyone. Ever. However, I know... EVERY. SINGLE. THING. HAPPENS. AS. IT. SHOULD. Some of those things really suck in the moment (some, like the unexpected death of a loved one suck forever) but it is all a part of the journey already set for you to find what you came to find in this life. I am thankful for every trial. I am thankful that I now have a love of life that no one can quench. A love for, and from, another human that I thought only happened in movies (note, I had to choose myself and love myself completely before I found him... I joked I was in a three-way relationship with me, myself and I). I have found my peace. Yes, I still have moments where I'm out of alignment but I am able to work through those much faster now because I recognize them. It is ok to feel not ok. Just don't stay there forever. Do one thing, each and every day, that brings you joy. Learn from the pain and move forward into the passion that is living a life of love. Sending you all love and light today... even if you were a source of pain for me. I forgive it all because I know it helped me get here. Day 449
Today, the rain stopped the sky is blue with a few clouds floating over the ocean. My book is much closer to complete thanks to yesterday's constant showers... and Jordan's patience for me working all day. When it's stormy out, it's a great excuse to work. Not that I really need an excuse. It's back to school for many places today (including that online school I do part time work for). I'm not excited to get back in the computer to grade but... we'll see if any kids even worked over break. The RV park has cleared out... the Thanksgiving vacationers are gone. It's an interesting life seeing so many people come and go. This girl needs the rain to quit for at least 24 hours so I can put my logo on my new truck. Definitely missing that conversation starter. We're in a pretty good spot for people to see it... we'll see what the forecast looks like today. I do know that some painting will occur today. And likely more work on my book. At least a walk to the beach is in order as well. The rain yesterday was non-stop. I didn't even go outside all day. That's not normal for me anymore. It's so strange how quickly time flies and... how quickly our "normal" can change. In two years, I went from needing meds to keep my feet on this earth to now, where I couldn't imagine leaving. To have no thoughts of exiting still doesn't seem normal to me ... afterall, it was there with me for all my life. But the new normal is that it's gone. To realize that I'm here on purpose and for a purpose. Maybe it's to help one person, maybe it's to help millions. All I know is I have a light that needs to be shared. Lifting those who need it... giving a push to those who're afraid to move forward... providing art that brings light. And I have art to create. It's time to get to it. Be Still 48"x24" Acrylic Painting I'm happy that this is the only snow I see right now. 😁 448 Days as a Nomad... or should I say gypsy?
We've been in FL for almost a week now. Thanksgiving was spent on the beach. Our RV park had a giant gathering but we thought it'd be safer to stay away from that many people. You see, we've had the damn virus twice... and if it's true the antibodies leave after 3-6 months in the immuno-compromised then we're definitely in the danger zone again. I'm not sure our lungs could take another round of it. So, we had a nice quiet day. Now the rain has arrived and the weather is going to be pretty "crappy" for several days. It's ok with me, I have work to do. There's something that's been on my mind a lot lately ... actually, a lot this year. Like I missed something. Missed an opportunity or time is running out. Not sure why I have been feeling that but it's gotten quite annoying. A gentle ache in my chest that says "hurry up... get that thing done." My book is close to being ready for my editor...I think. Perhaps it is this. I keep changing things, rearranging, it doesn't feel finished yet. Maybe it's like some of the paintings I do where I just have to call it done. We'll see. I told her December so... that's nearly here. Thank goodness for the rain locking me inside so I'll focus. There's only so much house work you can do when you live in a 29' travel trailer. No distractions inside except technology so we'll see. I've also had a lot of triggers come up again. Not surprising... the holidays will do that. I think of how much time was wasted in my "past life." Just an opportunity to clear more of the shit from my past... there's a lot of shit from my last relationship. Looking back, I realize that aside from a few times... it was a completely loveless marriage. More of an arrangement than a relationship. 20 years of just existing. 20 years with someone who made me feel like I wasn't enough. I'm not sure why I allowed it. Don't do that to yourself. That's a big weight to carry... an even bigger weight to release. But the beauty of this life is, we have the ability to be free of our past. Maybe I had to endure that to see what love wasn't? Who knows. I do know that you just have to make a conscious effort to clear away the pain it caused you. And find a way to enjoy this beautiful life. I have many tools I learned after my ex did what he did. I had to fight to overcome the feeling that everyone would be better off if I were gone. Laying here, listening to the rain on the roof, it seems like a lifetime ago. It's hard to believe it even happened. Because this life is pure perfection. If you're struggling, or know someone who is struggling, I am more than happy to share any of the tools with you. The right tool for you is out there. You can find peace. You can find joy. I can say, one of the things that helped me was simple... I played. I went out and did things that made me laugh. I built a snowman. I went sledding. I swung on swings. I jumped in puddles. I rode my bike fast down a hill. All the things I enjoyed as a child...I went out and did them again. Then, I held on to that feeling. When was the last time you let your inner child play with careless abandon? We have played in the ocean (Jordan more than me). If you've read past blogs, you know I'm not all that comfortable IN the water. Thanksgiving day, the waves were huge... one took me under. I swallowed a bunch of ocean. Hmm... not helpful in helping me feel at home in the water. Someday, maybe I'll be comfortable in it. I'll just keep trying. Just keep playing. 444 Nomadic Days
"You guys are gypsies...I love it! You're living the life I want." We hear that a lot. Most recently from our waitress at BOIL in NOLA. We returned there because Jordan loved the seafood boil he had while we were at Mardi Gras. It was worth the extra drive and airings night's stay in Louisiana. A much different experience than the last time we were there. We went through Louisiana, traveling past where we had to stay when my old truck first broke down last April. Mansfield has a lovely RV park that thankfully had a spot for us then. This time we continued past to Eunice (which was just of our original route when I planned it... that was before we headed north in Texas to deliver a portrait). We've added a few extra miles on the new truck because I didn't reschedule our stay. But, we had to visit the area where my Papa grew up... and visit his mom in the cemetary. We didn't know if she had family buried near her... we found numerous siblings. It was a very cool experience. I had tears flow, just because I know how happy he'd be that I took the time to make the trip. Storm clouds are rolling in here in Florida. Our spot is a short walk to the beach. The waves are crashing. Jordan is our playing in them as I sit, feeling the first rain drops fall. I love the Florida rain. It's warm. Not like back in Idaho. It washes the soul, refreshes and cleanses the spirit. It isn't our forever home but definitely our winter home. We just have to get used to the idiotic drivers 🤣 4 states in 1 day... but oh so happy to be here. I might have a gypsy spirit but a place to call home is beginning to call to both of us. We've seen most of the US... and will see the rest before we find a place to call home. But, that doesn't mean I'll settle into a sedentary life. Seeing more of the world is still a must... the RV life, isn't our forever though. We've noticed strange things lately. Pieces of trim working themselves loose. An unlike of the weekend warriors who have no respect for rv park rules. And the roads... oh my goodness. The Louisiana roads rattled the SHIT out of our home. Made the cats literally shit from the shaking (we have one that poops or pukes when she's scared...I think that's what happened the other day). Plus, in getting tired of dumping our shit. Literally. You don't even realize what you take for advantage as a home owner...or renter... until you leave the stationary life. I'll never stop traveling and doing what my heart desires... but I know that the RV life is not permanent. But it sure is damn wonderful right now. You do not have to wait for everything to be perfect. When I started this journey, I really had NO idea where I'd go... or how I'd be able to make it happen (financially). But, everything works out as it should when you're following your passion. You can do it to. You just have to believe, and trust, that everything is going to work out exactly as it should. So stop waiting. Jump in. You'll experience things you've dreamed of. Help people along the way. And inspire many of you just go for it. Life is short. Stop waiting for everything to be "perfect." If it's something you've felt called to do... it's perfect now. Do it. ........ Which Wolf Will You Feed? ........
Just yesterday we were in New Mexico. It's been a hell of a long day, two days in a row. Carlsbad was a bust because New Mexico shut down the day we arrived. No caverns open... which was the point of going there. Crossing Texas... we left NM at 10 am and didn't arrive at our camp spot until almost 8 pm (thanks to crossing time zones and shitty roads) ... only to find out that one of the cats (we're sure it was one of the sisters) took a MASSIVE ... AND I MEAN M.A.S.S.I.V.E. dog sized 💩 on our bed. One pillow lost. One set of sheets - and possibly the comforter - destroyed. So that needed cleaned up before we delivered the Words Matter portrait (the whole reason we headed to that part of Texas). We finally arrived at Margy's home about 9:30. After talking with her for a few hours, we headed home (stopping to try Whataburger ... beats In-N-Out HANDS DOWN). Finally settling in at home at 12:30... falling asleep around 2 am. The cats no longer get free reign while we travel. Unfortunately 2 suffer because of one but we cannot have them pooping in our bed. Little shits. So, we had to figure out if we could load everything and keep the studio for closed for the drive. It was a squeeze getting our bicycles in there through the studio door, but Jordan got it and the cats were locked in the back with my art for the trip. Shitty roads again. Louisiana has some of the worst roads we've driven. That, coupled with little sleep (we were up at 7:30 am ... and I didn't sleep well ... and this girl NEEDS her sleep) and lack of a good breakfast and cup of java... I may have lost my cool when navigation got all screwy. Weird things were happening with the truck computer and my phone after we ate at an AMAZING Texas BBQ joint (an extra hour drive but soooo with it - if you're ever in Tyler, TX go to Stanley's Famous Pit Barbecue). We finally arrived in our spot in Louisiana at 7-ish. Parking in the dark... in a back in spot... between trees... after 12 hours is not great fun. But, we're settled in. Tomorrow, we will go see my Papa's birth town... his mom's gravesite (I never got to meet her, she died when he was little)... and whatever else we feel led to explore. Tonight, we're going to relax and watch a movie, The New Mutants. We deserve it after two long days. The movie starts by talking about an old Indian proverb. This... they call it the two bears but, there's a Cherokee Legend about the two wolves... "An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. 'A fight is going on inside me,' he said to the boy. 'It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.' The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, 'Which wolf will win?' The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'" YOU choose which part of you that you feed. Are you full of anger, frustration, negativity? Starve these. Stop feeding it and you will find yourself full of peace. Today, I focused on all the wrong things. I focused on the frustrations...I fed my anger. I fed my fear (seriously...I was afraid the rough roads were going to tear the trailer - our HOME - apart). I did that. I chose to feed that wolf. Just as I did most of my life - when I felt I wasn't good enough. I fed that. Sometimes by myself... sometimes by the people I chose to surround me. It happens. It's easy to slip into old patterns. Strength and growth comes in recognizing it and moving forward. Which wolf will you feed? I could focus on the trials of the last few days... or I could focus on the amazing life we live. Which wolf do you think I'll choose to feed? 438 Nomadic Days
New Mexico is quite barren. I do not recommend going to Carlsbad if you can't get in the caverns. We arrived the day after they were shut down... again. Good timing. Thanks for that NM Governor. So, either the masks and distancing doesn't work or NM just didn't give a rip and no one was doing those things. Either way, we received an emergency text to shelter in place. Grocery stores had lines yesterday and are closed today. A curfew has been put in place - without calling it a curfew ... they're just forcing any "essential business" to close early. What a weird time this is. I'm ready to get out of NM. We're fed up with our plans getting changed because of someone else's decisions. Time for us to get to our winter home. I'm sure there are some people out there who frown on our travels during COVID but remember, this was my life well before this virus was known. I wasn't about to let the fear mongering end my adventure. This is my life. If you don't like what we're doing, don't watch. We're careful - much more careful than last spring/ early summer... so don't worry about us. But again, if you don't like it... mind your own business. The point is, live YOUR life. Stop trying to control others. And don't let anyone else control you. Be respectful, but don't let their opinions or fears rule you. You have work to do on this planet. Ours happens to be spreading love, light, hope and inspiration to those we do meet. Yes, these are strange times. But, it is possible to make the most of it. Getting "locked down" the past few days has allowed me that painting time I've been yearning for. Plus, it's time to get my book in order and to my editor. And, of course, Christmas is near so I have orders rolling in. Life is too short to not go for it. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect. So many of my friends have joined me in the nomadic life - or simply have moved to a location they've dreamed of. The world will continue to spin. Tragedy, social injustice, government control - don't use these as a reason to stay stuck in a place you can't stand. Just leap. Everything will work out exactly as it should. We did get to wander (and sled) at White Sands National Monument. What a surreal place. If we could've gotten away from all the people (like we did at Goblin Valley State Park) it would've seemed like we stepped into another realm. As it was, that place is definitely otherworldly! If you go, there are trailheads to explore. We made our own path. Careful to be aware of where we left the truck (it would be very easy to get lost out there). We, of course, had to climb the highest dune for our sunset view. Which, of course, was a draw for other people with sleds because of the steepness of this dune. But, once the sun started going down, those people found other places to go. The sand is very soft and cool. The gypsum sand retains water so there is a moistness in it. I could imagine, in the heat of the summer, it may be hot to walk on but in November, most people were walking barefoot and it was chilly. Don't leave your shoes in the car if you're staying for sunset. The temperature drops dramatically when the sun goes behind the mountains in the distance. That moist sand then feels like snow on your feet. I had brought my shoes. Jordan's were in the truck. By the time we got back, he couldn't feel his toes. If someone got lost out there, it would be a very uncomfortable night! Tomorrow, we head to Texas to deliver one of my Military Edition Words Matter portraits. I am looking forward to meeting this Gold Star mom. For now, we'll stay hunkered down... maybe we will find a place in nature to explore... but I have painting to do a well. Please, live your life. Do the things your heart desires (just stay safe). Stop waiting for everything to be perfect ... you may not have enough days left for that "perfect time" to arrive. Sending lots of love and light... this world needs it. Nomad life, 432 days...
Oh the obstacles... We were leaving the RV park to go to Joshua Tree and could see the smoke. It was quite a ways away, however, the wind was howling... and blowing directly toward the park. We didn't feel comfortable driving an hour away. So, we didn't get to explore Joshua Tree National Park. The final two days at Catalina Spa & RV Resort were quite stormy... then there was that fire in the final day. Evacuations were ordered a handful of miles down the road, nothing for us. Odd that we are, once again, restricted from something we want... but, now I believe I know why we were kept from putting more miles on the truck. But I'll get to that in a moment. Monday the 9th, we left for Silver Strand State Beach. Exactly one year after Jordan flew out to meet me on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, we were once again on a small strip of land, the bay on one side, the ocean on the other. Funny how things all work out. We stayed the night then hit the road to start our treck east. Interstate 8 takes you very close to Mexico. You can see the wall. We saw the Cabazon dinosaurs as well and bought my grandson a book from inside the belly of the dinosaur. Kendall, my step-son from a previous marriage, was obsessed with dinosaurs when he was a kid. It was a longer drive than it was supposed to be when we finally arrived at the High Chaparral RV park... an hour outside of Scottsdale. We were scheduled to stay 2 nights so that we could visit friends in the area. After dropping the trailer and doing some laundry (it had been a while) and getting a bit of work done... we went to sleep to prepare for the next day's get togethers. On our way to Scottsdale, the "DEF fluid poor quality" light came on... again. This is what I paid $1K to get fixed the last time we were in AZ. Seven mechanics now, in 4 states, in 2 months have had their hands on my truck. It's 11/11/2020. I meet with my friend Brett Labit while Jordan goes to get new DEF (we're hoping it's just low and the light will clear like the first time in our way to the South Rim of Grand Canyon). It doesn't clear. Brett takes my to Fashion Square to see his 2nd Scottsdale gallery (checkout Creative Gateways if you're in Scottsdale or Sedona) and my second "get together" meets me there while I start making calls about the truck and Jordan comes to pick me up. I find Van Buick GMC and Rick says they'll squeeze me in but wouldn't have an answer until later that afternoon. We're supposed to head to Tombstone on the 12th. Frustrated beyond belief, I have to cut my second meeting with the beautiful Tricia Green (a former student and friend) short, and end up canceling the next two. Extremely upset I don't get to connect with Kat's mom, Kat is one of the original 7 portraits of those lost to suicide that I created for my Words Matter exhibit. Sad beyond belief I don't get to see one of my "warriors", a former student who I can call my friend, Rebecca. Angry about my truck...I walk around the lot looking at trucks. And of course, the salesmen pounce. Pablo listens to my frustrations and says "let's see if we can get you taken care of." There are no trucks on the lot with camper shells so I say "that won't work." You see, I have a lot of stuff stored in the back of the truck. They say "what if we find a truck you love and install the shell for you." Ok, I'll look. 7 hours later, I own a 2021 Chevy Silverado 2500. She's beautiful, only 19 miles on her when I climbed in for the rest drive. I'm not at all excited to have a car payment again; but, I'd been spending $1000 a month on the old truck lately anyway. Now I have a reliable vehicle that tows like a dream. The camper shell has to be built specifically for the truck. So, the dealership provides a tano cover (which I don't think will work). We move everything to the new truck in an hour. Only getting rid of a little bit, between the back seat and the bed, everything fits. AND... it turns out, I really like the ease of the tano cover. While in Tombstone last night, we needed more warm clothes and I easily got into the winter clothes bin. So, I know everything worked out exactly as it should. Just wish I could've seen Becca and Cindy while I was in Scottsdale. Tombstone is very cool. We went into the mine, we saw all the places where the historical things happened. We went on a ghost tour - although it was more like a history tour...Ghost City Tours - don't do it. Instead, do the trolley tour or the one in the Bird Cage theater. That place is full of crazy energy ... and ghost sounds. Today, we'll check out Bisbee then we'll be on our way to New Mexico. Hopefully the storms have passed. I know I'm supposed to travel and spread healing light everywhere I go...COVID and truck problems have made that difficult. I'm tired of these obstacles but Jordan and I can handle it. Just putting the "smooth sailing" vibe out there for the rest of our adventures. If you're running in to obstacles, just keep moving. Even if you have detours from your plan, you'll get to the destination that is for your greatest good. I know that all will work out exactly as it should. |
AuthorI had a dream that I was traveling all over the world. In less than 6 months, I sold almost everything I own...bought a Toy Hauler (the "garage" is my art studio) and am now living wherever, whenever...just me, my art, and my cats. Archives
October 2021
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