Nomadic Day 508
So much has happened since my last travel post. SO much goodness! We stayed at the Chassahowitzka River State Park. What a cool place (although, we are back in the land of No-see-ums and they LOVE to munch on me. Stupid bugs). We finally got to try out our kayak. There were manatees everywhere near the boat launch. The river broke off in small tributaries, the park has a map to help you find the best places. There's a cave system in one of them, called the Seven Sisters. I didn't feel comfortable enough, or strong enough, to swim through the one big one we found. Jordan went through several times though. Then we went to the Crack... which is exactly that, a big Crack. But it's a fun little swimming hole you actually have to walk into. You can kayak most of the way at high tide but just a short distance before, you have to beach your kayak and walk the rest of the way in. It's a even straight out of a movie. A lovely lagoon to hang out in. The water was a bit cold and the air a bit chilly for me, so I only got in the water one day and had pants and sweatshirt to wear on the ride back. It was a nice, quiet campground though. Probably the quietest we've experienced. And, like I said, we saw a lot of manatee. Crystal River (where we swam with the manatee) wasn't far away. Neither was Weeki Wachee River- which was a great kayak as well and even more manatees. We even saw a river otter (we were worried it was going to try to get in the kayak for a minute). He didn't seem to care at all that we were there. No gators. I've learned that the lemongrass oil does, in fact, reduce the amount of No-see-um bites. Just as good as bug spray. But, it also attracts the sun (which my current bug spray does as well). Then we went across the state all the way to the Atlantic and stayed in Del Raton RV Park. Not the greatest park, the sprinklers put spots on everything and... there was constant train noise... but it was the closest we could get to the beach on the east coast. We spent a month in this windy city... very few days nice enough to go to the beach but we spent quite a bit of time hanging out with Jordan's dad and little brother. We even went there for Christmas dinner (I sure miss my family during the holidays). We enjoying Atlantic Avenue for New Year's Eve - catching a cold or flu bug (maybe even a different strain of Covid but that's not for sure and Jordan's dad got tested after spending time around us - it was negative). Jordan was miserably sick for over a week. We also visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. That place was VERY cool and relaxing. Which was needed because Delray Beach is full of people always in a hurry. Then we got back to the Keys. Once again with the No-see-ums. I'm currently VERY itchy. Kinda going out of my mind from itching right now (calagel helps); but, we're in the tropical paradise again. We've been taking day trips to Bahia Honda State Park... I finally felt warm enough to get in the water (and got my first sunburn - oops) the other day. Jordan was made for the water. He's in it every time. We went down to Key West again. Many shops did not survive the shut downs - including one of our favorite bars (Lucy's). But, there's still live music and people everywhere. Still everyone gathering to watch the sunset. It was great to see that not everyone is living in fear. We also went snorkeling again, this time through Captain Hook's in Big Pine Key. We went to Looe Reef - part of the only living barrier reef in North America. It was wonderful. We saw a lot of fish and we both saw a sea turtle. We got some great video of the 2 hours in the water (condensed to 17 minutes - is hard to tell what you're filming with a GoPro in the water). No sharks but lots of barracuda. One was plotting on me. 😟 Thankfully it didn't get too close but it was creeping up on me for a bit. Creepy experience for sure! Jordan really wanted to see a shark and was chanting all morning and while we were there "shark shark shark shark shark." I even caught a bit of it on camera... but no sharks. The last time we snorkeled down here, I did not enjoy it. The water was choppy that day. The waves kept crashing over me and getting water in my snorkel. Plus, we barely saw anything. I had decided ocean snorkeling was not for me. I'm glad I tried again. Even though I was nervous leading up to it, it was worth the nerves. Plus, we saw the biggest manatee drinking fresh water before we left the marina (shown in the picture). I even figured out how to use my fins better. 🙃 Since my legs are literally twisted, they don't work the same as other people's. I learned that I can move well in the water with more of a frog kick than a dolphin kick (the dolphin just would not work for me). It was a surreal experience when Jordan sent schools of fish to me. I was surrounded by them. It was pretty magical. I'm glad I made the decision to try snorkeling again. I began feeling somewhat comfortable in the water. I challenge you to conquer your fears and do the thing because it is always worth it. Even if you don't enjoy it, something comes out of the experience. We have just under 3 weeks left here. RVing in the Keys goes through your budget quickly. We'd love to stay longer... we'll see if the Universe will provide for that. For now, I leave you with a quote from my friend Frank White, "There are moments that define a person's whole life. Moments in which everything they are and everything they become hinge on a single decision." What was your moment?
Self ... the greatest torture and treasure wrapped in one.
I won't go live every night... I thought about it tonight but felt a post was better as I figure out the best way to share "downloads." For those unfamiliar with spiritual practices - a download is something received from our higher self, God, Source, the Universe, Gaia, Spirit, The Divine, the ethereal, what ever you call the energy of all that is... that something outside of the form being used to write this. That said... here's what I'm meant to share today... Definition of self can destroy. Or it can help you grow. Your form... the body you are in... your job, your status, your problems, none of it is not WHO you are. "In the seeing of who you are not, the reality of who you are emerges." ~Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth After recently watching the film "Becoming Nobody" - a documentary on the core of Ram Dass' teachings, the sense of self has been on my heart more often lately. How can we truly love ourselves when we are so busy defining ourselves by something that doesn't ring true. I asked the Universe to provide the words needed to help people get through the loss of self. This has been a strong "happening" beginning in 2015 and coming to a climax in 2020. Those who had the greatest struggles, found clarity early... others took several years... more are still fighting the ego who wants to remain tied to the human labels and stay "comfortable" in the societal cages it has spent a lifetime building. Our ego will provide us with fear, resistance, anger, and anxiety any time we feel it is time for a change. And it is easy to just stay in what is familiar and allow ego to continue to keep us confined, sheltered, smothered. Whenever you feel inferior or superior to someone - that is the ego talking. The ego does not want an end to its problems because it is its identity. When we define ourselves according to someone else's ideas and expectations, we will be full of all that ego provides plus depression, suicidality, and a sense of longing for a greater existence that fills us with despair because in ego, we can never have the life we dream of. It is through loss of self that you will find peace. Loss of self also means acceptance of self but... that's a piece of healing for another post. I loved this quote from Ram Dass, "When I was born I donned a spacesuit for living on this plane, it was this body, my space suit, and it had a steering mechanism which is my pre-frontal lobe and all the brain that helps with coordinating and stuff. Just like those others who go to the moon and learn to use their space suit...I too had to learn how to grab things and lift things. And then you get rewarded with little stars, kisses and all kinds of things when you learn how to use your space suit. You get so good at it that you can't differentiate yourself from your spacesuit. [...] You walk down the street and you’re somebody; you dress like somebody; your face looks like somebody. Everybody is reinforcing their structure of the universe over and over again and you meet [each other] like two huge things meeting. We enter into these conspiracies. You say, I’ll make believe you are who you think you are if you make believe I am who I think I am.” It's time to release this. It is time to get to your core. That will not happen until you realize that you are a being of love and light, connected to all that is. THAT is who we are. Each and every one of us. And you are perfect. Exactly made for the purpose of your existence. Trust and know that this is true. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Have a beautiful night, morning, or day - who knows when this will be in front of you. All I know is it will be at exactly the right time. Much love and light to you all! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Today we went snorkeling at Looe Key. Almost a year since our last Key West snorkeling adventure. Last year, I did not enjoy the experience. The waves were too big - and I am not yet a confident swimmer. So I was swallowing a lot of saltwater. This year was a different story. The water was calm. The fish were abundant. It was an amazing experience that I'll go into more detail about soon. For now, I must rest. 488. Today we visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Arriving inside at 12:12 - numbers peeps, you'll see why this is Divine.
The first thing we did was stop for lunch at the Cafe, it was delicious. As I was sitting at the table waiting for Jordan and Bernie Murray to return, the lake caught a breeze in such a unique way... as if someone was crossing it toward me. As I watched it reach the shore, it faded away, but then that breeze reached me. Immediately filling me with chills, and a sense of peace. A very strong feeling to trust all will be well. All will be taken care of. It also filled me with a sense of immense power. The power we all have access to if we will release our humanness and accept that we are a part of All That Is. We wandered around, reaching the Bamboo forest. A soon as we crossed through, the wind picked up again. This video is that experience. May you feel the peace that this beautiful place brought us. Some of you may have noticed that I've started posting more about energy and what is happening in that area. It's because I'm finally listening again and stepping into the gifts that I have been given. I will not let fear of other's opinions keep me from sharing the messages that arise. You CAN find peace amidst chaos. But you won't find it while pointing at other's and saying they are doing wrong. Release judgement. Their actions are fulfilling a purpose that was set in place long before we arrived. It isn't good, it isn't bad, it just is. If you're feeling out of sorts, take time to connect with nature. If you can stand barefoot in the grass, sand, or dirt... do it. If that isn't an option for you snowy weather people... find a big old tree and sit with it for a little while. Hug it if you feel the urge. 😁 Say hello and sit in commune with it. Then be still. Listen. Feel the power and LOVE of this earth. Allow it to fill you completely. Then, you'll realize, all is well. It's been a bit since I updated this blog. We're on day 484 of our nomad life.
\nLast night, laying in bed we watched "Into the Wild." I had never seen it. Oh my, how I loved it! To be that unrestricted would be a dream... but, I know I wouldn't enjoy sleeping in the dirt every night. 😁 \nChristopher McCandless states how both Jordan and I feel throughout the movie. A main theme, "The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences" takes him on many adventures and inspires others along his path. \nWe've been stationary for almost three weeks... a little over one more week before we move again. Down to the Keys. A nice slow pace, and the best Key Lime Pie is on our agenda. \nWe've enjoyed riding our bikes to the beach. We've spent time with Jordan's dad and little brother. We've watched a lot of football. \nI think the hustle and bustle of Floridians here might be a bit much though. Everyone seems to be in a hurry. There was a horrible accident on top of the draw bridge heading to the beach. Vans full of people were sitting, waiting for emergency responders to arrive. The left turn lane was backed up and some guy in an suv decided that blaring their horn to get the car in front of him to move - while near the accident and hurting people - was a good idea. \nWe don't understand it. \nThe total disregard for others... the complete selfishness. \nIt just isn't how our brains work. \nI believe in spreading love and light wherever we go. Regardless of how someone is behaving, I try not to let it affect me. Sometimes it does. But I try to be kind. \nEveryone has a battle they're fighting. \nYou never know if your words will be the final push, or the saving grace. Choose to be the saving grace. \nI ran over a screw, so today I get to deal with that. Perhaps I'll meet some new clients. Perhaps we'll make some friends. Who knows. \nWhat I do know is that although this is an unexpected change in our plans, I will do my best to make the best of it. \nTo be honest, it'll be a trial for me. I haven't been in the best of spirits. I think that I allowed too much of the negative energy around this area to seep in. People are just plain rude... I don't get it. Working on clearing and loving all... regardless of their behavior. But, some people make it difficult, don't they. \nI'll just keep this view in mind. Sunlight glistening on the water in the Keys. Then I'll be calm, peaceful, unmovable by the chaos of the world. |
AuthorI had a dream that I was traveling all over the world. In less than 6 months, I sold almost everything I own...bought a Toy Hauler (the "garage" is my art studio) and am now living wherever, whenever...just me, my art, and my cats. Archives
October 2021
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